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Benvenuto su OpenStreetMap, il progetto che crea e fornisce dati geografici liberi su base mondiale. Il progetto è stato avviato perché la maggior parte delle mappe che si credono liberamente utilizzabili, hanno invece restrizioni legali o tecniche al loro utilizzo e ciò ne impedisce l'uso per scopi produttivi, creativi o inattesi.

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27 set2024-09-272024-09-28 You can now read the answers and the manifestos of the 2024 OSM Foundation's board election candidates. Discuss the answers on your local channels or on
9 ago2024-08-092024-08-10 OpenStreetMap's 20th birthday. See where birthday parties and meetings were held.
7 giu2024-06-072024-06-08 See a progress update on vector tiles from the Engineering Working Group to learn more about this exciting improvement to
21 mag2024-05-212024-05-22 Read about what the OSM Foundation Board has been up to -- highlights from the OSMF Board Spring 2024 Meeting.
17 apr2024-04-172024-04-18 Learn about changes in authorizations with OAuth 1.0a and HTTP Basic Auth shutdown on
11 apr2024-04-112024-04-12 Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation! Here are three great reasons to join the OSM Foundation as a member.
4 apr2024-04-042024-04-05 The academic track at the 2024 State of the Map conference has opened for submissions as well! Learn more about submitting your academic research.
20 mar2024-03-202024-03-21 The call for participation in the 2024 State of the Map conference is open! Learn more about submitting an idea for a presentation.
12 mar2024-03-122024-03-13 The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board looks ahead to 2024.
12 mar2024-03-122024-03-13 Help us grow and diversify OSM Foundation membership worldwide!
14 feb2024-02-142024-02-15 Welcome OpenStreetMap Belgium, the newest (and returning) OSMF Local Chapter.
13 feb2024-02-132024-02-14 OpenStreetMap giving recap: Mappers, universities, companies, and nonprofits contributed over £373,000 to support OSM in 2023.
11 feb2024-02-112024-02-12 2024: announcing the year of the OpenStreetMap vector maps.
5 feb2024-02-052024-02-06 OpenStreetMap named as digital public good by United Nations-affiliated agency.
23 gen2024-01-232024-01-24 Tom Hughes recognized for OpenStreetMap contributions on OpenUK’s 2024 Honours List.
10 gen2024-01-102024-01-11 The State of the Map 2024 Travel Grant Program is open, applications due January 31.
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Eventi italiani editvedi anche da WMITEventi passati Italy 2024
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Meeting 9 mar. Open Data Pax: presentazione di QLever di Daniele Santini, seguita da quattro chiacchiere e Q&A su OpenStreetMap, Wikidata e oltre, in occasione dell'Open Data Day, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
1 OttobreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
2 OttobreStuttgarter OpenStreetMap-TreffenStuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
3–6 OttobreFOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen Nr. 22Essen, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
3 OttobreRéunion des contributeurs de Montrouge et du Sud de ParisMontrouge, Ile-de-France, France
5 OttobreCartographie collaborative pour tousPontarlier, Bourgogne – Franche-Comté, France
6 OttobreOSM India casual online mapathonNew Delhi, Delhi, India
7 OttobreLondon pub meet-upLondon, England, United Kingdom
7 OttobreOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #69Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan
8 OttobreMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
9–11 OttobreState of the Map Nigeria 2024Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
9 OttobreOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
10 OttobreBochumer OSM TreffenBochum, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
11 OttobreOSMF Engineering Working Group meeting
13 OttobreOSMmapperCPHCopenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
15 OttobreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]
15 OttobreRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
15 OttobreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
15 Ottobre181. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
16 OttobreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
16 OttobreStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
17 OttobreVelopark mapathon @ Fietsberaad officesBrussels, Belgium
18 OttobreOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
19 OttobreGeoCamp ESPamplona, Navarre, Spain
19–20 OttobreKarlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2024Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
19 OttobreEstado del Mapa - Duitama 2024Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia
22 OttobreOSM-Verkehrswende #63Berlin, Germany
24 Ottobre147. OSM-Stammtisch Lübeck und UmgebungLübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
27 OttobreSocial Mapping Sunday: Perth Zoo FREE TICKETSWestern Australia, Australia
28 OttobreBremer Mappertreffen
29 OttobreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
30 OttobreMaptime Amsterdam: Autumn mapping partyAmsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
30 Ottobre73. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
30 OttobreDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
2–3 NovembreOSM Hackweekend Berlin 11/2024Berlin, Germany
5–8 NovembreFOSS4G SotM Oceania 2024Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
5 NovembreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng]
6 NovembreRadnetz Brandenburg Mapping Abend #10Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
11 NovembreOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #70Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan
12 NovembreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
13–15 NovembreXV edición de las Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE)Vitoria-Gasteiz, Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Spain
13 NovembreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
13 NovembreMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
13 NovembreOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
14 NovembreBochumer OSM TreffenBochum, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
18 NovembreOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
19 NovembreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]
19 NovembreRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
19 Novembre182. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
20 NovembreStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
26 NovembreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
27 NovembreDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
28 Novembre148. OSM-Stammtisch Lübeck und UmgebungLübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
3 DicembreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng]
9 DicembreOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #71Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan
10 DicembreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
11 DicembreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
11 DicembreOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
12 DicembreMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
12 DicembreBochumer OSM TreffenBochum, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
17 DicembreRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
17 Dicembre183. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
18 DicembreStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
18 Dicembre15. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
19 DicembreOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
27 DicembreDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
7 GennaioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
8 GennaioOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
14 GennaioMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
21 GennaioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
23 Gennaio149. OSM-Stammtisch Lübeck und UmgebungLübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
4 FebbraioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
18 FebbraioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
4 MarzoSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
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